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How To Use Digital Products- Wallpapers for PC, Mac and Devices


Change your desktop picture from System Preferences
  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences.
  2. Click Desktop & Screen Saver.
  3. From the Desktop pane, select a folder of images on the left, then click an image on the right to change your desktop picture.

How do I add my own picture to my Apple Watch?
How to set photos at watch faces on Apple Watch
  1. Save your Wallpapers to your photo.
  2. Open Photos on iPhone.
  3. Find the photo you'd like to use for a new watch face.
  4. Tap the share button in the bottom left corner.
  5. Swipe from right to left if needed to find and tap Create Watch Face.
  6. Choose which type of face you'd like to create.
  7. Customize the new photo watch face.
How do I customize my iPhone Home Screen?
Apple has a support page with more information, but here's the quick version: Go to Settings on your iPhone, tap Wallpaper, then select Choose New Wallpaper. Easy peasy. Those of you who want to go a step further should also change your lock screen to something more on theme.