Hannah Clarke...A Guiding Light For Domestic Violence

Circle of Light...A Gift To Empower

Hannah Clarke...A Guiding Light For Domestic Violence

Natalie Clarke
For Hannah…healing hearts…Courage, Strength  and Love
This is in memory of Hannah Clarke, who was a very good friend of an amazing counsellor friend of mine, who has helped so many people going through domestic violence over the years. 
Hannah Clarke and her three children, Aaliyah, 6, Laianah, 4, and Trey, 3, lost their lives as a result of domestic violence on 19 February 2020.
Hannah’s heartbreaking confronting story was considered one of the most horrific acts of domestic violence Australia has ever seen. This has opened up people’s eyes to the form of domestic violence called 'coercive control'.
Coercive control refers to a pattern of behavior used by an individual to dominate, manipulate, or exert power and control over another person in an intimate or close relationship. Unlike physical abuse, coercive control primarily involves psychological and emotional tactics, with the aim of instilling fear, dependency, and submission in the victim.
Now four years on with many guiding lights shining, a law has now passed in the Qld Parliament classing ‘coercive control’ as a criminal offence. So many people have been inspired by Hannah and her guiding light.

As a teacher, who has worked with many disengaged, special and traumatised children over the years, this affects everyone! We all know of people in our lives that this happens to and we all need to ban together to heal hearts as well as the perpetrators as they need help too.

Healing from coercive control is a complex and sensitive process that often requires a combination of individual and professional support. If you or someone you know is experiencing coercive control, it's crucial to prioritize safety and seek help from trained professionals. 

4 Steps for Hannah is the foundation that provides a guiding light to raise awareness and educate children and young people to identify coercive control behaviours and H.A.L.T. the cycle of Domestic and Family Violence.
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