More Than Charms Archangel Zaphkiel Zaphkiel means God’s Knowledge. Archangel Zaphkiel is known as the “Alchemist of Life” and the Angel of Contemplation. It has been said that he can help bring a deep spiritual knowledge by raising vibration. He does thi

Archangel Zaphkiel




"Archangel Zaphkiel, the angel of awareness, invites deep contemplation and ignites passion, helping us connect with our inner truths and embrace our deepest desires with clarity and purpose."

Zaphkiel means God’s Knowledge. Archangel Zaphkielis known as the “Alchemist of Life” and the Angel of Contemplation. It has been said that he can help bring a deep spiritual knowledge by raising vibration. He does this through meditation and prayer to help achieve enlightenment.

Assists With:

Achieving enlightenment and spiritual awareness

Communication and decision making

Passion of life, compassion, self-love and confidence

Body image healing, sensation healing and releasing fear of being “in the body”