More Than Charms Angel of Balance The Angel of Balance reminds us about the wonderful feeling that the gift of balance brings. Bringing nourishment to yourself will assist you in having a healthy sense of self and create strong and flowing boundaries. Whe

Angel of Balance

"In the delicate equilibrium of existence, where light meets shadow and chaos finds order, the angel of balance stands as sentinel. Embrace its guidance, for within its gentle embrace lies the harmony of opposites, the serenity of moderation, and the wisdom of equilibrium."

The Angel of Balance reminds us about the wonderful feeling that the gift of balance brings. Bringing nourishment to yourself will assist you in having a healthy sense of self and create strong and flowing boundaries. When this is achieved you may want to share your inspiration, love and experiences in giving and nurturing ways. A balance of giving and receiving will be returned in abundance as you can trust that you are always loved and cared for.