More Than Charms Archangel Selaphiel Archangel Selaphiel name actually means “one who prays to God” or “the prayer of God”. He helps people connect to God through prayer, giving them the focus needed to block out distractions and concentrate on praying. S

Archangel Selaphiel




Archangel Selaphiel name actually means “one who prays to God” or “the prayer of God”.  He helps people connect to God through prayer, giving them the focus needed to block out distractions and concentrate on praying. Selaphiel motivates people to express their deepest thoughts and feelings to God in prayer, and to watch and listen carefully for God’s responses and signs. He is often portrayed holding his hands in prayer or holding a fish bowl with fish, depicting divine gifts.


Color: red                      Astrology-  Sun

Chakra: All                    Day of the Week: Any

Affirmation: Archangel Selaphiel, guide me in my prayer and assist me to worship Lord our God correctly. 

Assists With:

  • Worship and Prayer
  • Enhancing enlightenment and a spiritual connection with the divine
  • Focus and keeping thoughts loving and kind
  • Seeing signs
  • Expressing feelings and thoughts 

Life Purpose: 

  • Archangel Selaphiel has a loving presence "that makes people feel safe and supported”
  • Rules over music in heaven

Tips For Connecting

Connecting on a spiritual level can be a profound and intimate experience, enriching our lives in countless ways. By incorporating various tools and practices into our routines, such as health and wellbeing, crystals, essential oils, and sacred symbols, we can deepen our meditation, foster a stronger connection and invite greater spiritual presence into our lives. Here are some tips to help you enhance your spiritual connection:

  • Set Clear Intentions: Begin by clearly defining your purpose for connecting spiritually, whether it's for guidance, healing, or growth.
  • Create a Sacred Space: Designate a clean, harmonious environment where you can engage in your spiritual practice free from distractions.
  • Connect with Nature: Spend regular time outdoors to engage your senses fully.
  • Call Upon a Guide: Invite the energy of the guide, higher beings, or your chosen deity into your space through prayer, meditation, or visualization.
  • Use Sacred Words or Prayers: Incorporate meaningful words, incantations, mantras, or prayers that resonate with your spiritual beliefs to set the tone for your practice.
  • Cultivate Gratitude: Foster an attitude of gratitude to attract to attract positive energies and blessings.
  • Visualize Guidance: Envision your spiritual guide or higher self providing support and clarity in alignment with your intentions.
  • Open Your Heart: Cultivate feelings of love, compassion, empathy, harmony and forgiveness. Create a receptive space in your heart for spiritual insights and healing.
  • Seek Signs and Messages: Request clear signs or messages and remain open to receiving clear signs, symbols, or messages from as confirmation of your connection.
  • Trust and Surrender: Trust in the process and surrender any doubts or fears, knowing that your intentions are being heard and supported.
  • Nurture the Connection: Establish a regular spiritual practice to nurture and strengthen your connection over time, allowing for deeper insights and transformative experiences.

Remember that your spiritual journey is deeply personal and unique to you. Feel free to adapt these tips to align with your beliefs and preferences, embracing authenticity and sincerity in your pursuit of spiritual connection. Ultimately, approach your practice with an open heart, genuine curiosity, and a willingness to cultivate a deeper relationship with the divine.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Eat Right: Fuel your body with balanced meals rich in whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Supliment with Plant Derived minerals, vitamins and superfoods.
  • Sleep Well: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to recharge your body and mind.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support hydration and overall health.
  • Move Often: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine to boost mood and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Take time for meditation or deep breathing to reduce stress and increase self-awareness.
  • Build Connections: Foster meaningful relationships with friends and family to enhance social support.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation to maintain emotional well-being.


  • Amethyst: Known for its spiritual properties, amethyst can facilitate communication with higher realms and enhance intuition, aiding in connecting with angelic energies.
  • Selenite: Selenite has a high vibration that can help to cleanse and purify energy, making it easier to attune to angelic frequencies and receive guidance from Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Angelite: As its name suggests, angelite is associated with angelic realms and can promote communication with angels. It is believed to enhance spiritual awareness and deepen connections with celestial beings like Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Celestite: Celestite carries a gentle and uplifting energy that can facilitate angelic communication and spiritual guidance. It is often used in meditation to connect with angelic realms and higher consciousness.
  • Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is a versatile crystal that can amplify intentions and enhance spiritual connections. When used with the intention of connecting with Archangel Selaphiel, it can help to strengthen the link and facilitate clearer communication.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Lapis lazuli is associated with wisdom and spiritual insight, making it a suitable crystal for seeking guidance from Archangel Selaphiel. It can help to deepen meditation and enhance intuition, allowing for clearer communication with angelic beings.
  • Fluorite: Fluorite is known for its ability to clear the mind and enhance psychic abilities. It can help to create a peaceful and harmonious environment conducive to connecting with Archangel Selaphiel and receiving divine guidance.
  • Rose Quartz: Rose quartz carries a gentle and loving energy that can help to open the heart chakra and invite angelic presence. It can foster a sense of love and compassion, facilitating connections with angels like Archangel Selaphiel who embody these qualities.
  • Moonstone: Moonstone is associated with intuition and feminine energy, making it useful for connecting with angelic beings. It can help to enhance psychic abilities and promote spiritual growth, facilitating connections with Archangel Selaphiel and other celestial guides.

Essential Oils

  • Frankincense: Frankincense is often used in spiritual practices to enhance meditation, prayer, and connection with divine beings. It is believed to elevate consciousness and facilitate communication with angelic realms, including Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Myrrh: Myrrh has a long history of use in spiritual and religious ceremonies for purification and protection. It can help to create a sacred space conducive to connecting with angelic energies, including those of Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Sandalwood: Sandalwood is revered for its grounding and spiritual properties, making it useful for deepening meditation and spiritual connection. It can help to quiet the mind and open the heart to receive guidance from Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Rose: Rose essential oil carries a high vibration of love and compassion, making it suitable for invoking angelic presence. It can help to create an atmosphere of love and devotion, facilitating connections with angels like Archangel Selaphiel who embody these qualities.
  • Lavender: Lavender essential oil is known for its calming and soothing effects on the mind and body. It can help to quiet the mind, ease anxiety, and promote relaxation, creating a peaceful environment for connecting with angelic energies.
  • Angelica: As its name suggests, angelica essential oil is associated with angelic realms and can help to enhance spiritual connection. It is believed to facilitate communication with angels, including Archangel Selaphiel, and promote clarity and insight.
  • Clary Sage: Clary sage is known for its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. It can help to deepen meditation and facilitate connections with higher realms, making it useful for connecting with Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Neroli: Neroli essential oil has a sweet and uplifting aroma that can help to elevate mood and open the heart to divine guidance. It is believed to promote spiritual growth and connection with angelic beings like Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Rosemary: Rosemary essential oil is known for its purifying and protective properties. It can help to clear negative energy and create a sacred space for connecting with angelic energies, including those of Archangel Selaphiel.

Plants, Flowers and Essences

  • White Sage: White sage is traditionally used for purification and spiritual cleansing. Burning sage can help to clear negative energy and create a sacred space conducive to connecting with angelic energies, including those of Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Rose: Rose is a symbol of love and divine beauty. Working with rose petals or rose essential oil can help to open the heart chakra and invite the loving presence of Archangel Selaphiel into your space.
  • Angel's Trumpet: The angel's trumpet flower is associated with angelic realms and divine communication. Working with angel's trumpet essence or visualizing its delicate blooms can help to attune to the energy of Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Lily: The lily flower is often associated with purity, innocence, and divine grace. Working with lily essence or placing lilies on your altar can help to create a sacred and uplifting atmosphere for connecting with Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Frankincense: Frankincense resin or essential oil is commonly used in spiritual practices to enhance meditation, prayer, and connection with divine beings. Burning frankincense resin or diffusing frankincense oil can help to elevate your consciousness and facilitate communication with Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Myrrh: Like frankincense, myrrh resin or essential oil is used for purification and spiritual connection. Burning myrrh resin or anointing yourself with myrrh oil can help to create a sacred space for connecting with Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Rosemary: Rosemary is known for its purifying and protective properties. Working with rosemary essence or incorporating rosemary into rituals can help to clear negative energy and invite the presence of Archangel Selaphiel into your space.
  • Cedar: Cedar is associated with strength, grounding, and protection. Burning cedar incense or using cedarwood oil can help to create a sense of stability and security, facilitating connections with Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Jasmine: Jasmine is a symbol of divine love and spiritual awakening. Working with jasmine essence or inhaling the fragrance of jasmine flowers can help to open the heart and invite the loving guidance of Archangel Selaphiel into your life.

Spiritual Icons

  • Angel Figurine: An angel figurine can serve as a physical representation of Archangel Selaphiel, helping to focus your intention and create a connection with his energy.
  • Feathers: Feathers are often seen as signs of angelic presence and can be used as symbols to invoke the guidance and protection of Archangel Selaphiel.
  • White Candle: Lighting a white candle can symbolize purity, clarity, and divine illumination, helping to create a sacred space for connecting with Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Moon Symbol: The moon is associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and divine feminine energy. Using a moon symbol or imagery can help to attune to the receptive and nurturing qualities of Archangel Selaphiel.
  • Silver or White Crystals: Crystals such as clear quartz, moonstone, or selenite can help to amplify your connection with Archangel Selaphiel's energy. Placing these crystals on your altar or carrying them with you can enhance your spiritual practice.
  • Sacred Geometry: Symbols such as the Flower of Life or the Metatron's Cube can help to attune to the divine order and universal consciousness, facilitating connections with Archangel Selaphiel's wisdom and guidance.
  • Mandala: Mandalas are intricate geometric designs that can help to focus your intention and deepen your connection with Archangel Selaphiel's energy. Coloring or meditating on a mandala can aid in spiritual attunement.
  • Prayer Beads or Rosary: Prayer beads or a rosary can be used as a tool for prayer, meditation, and invoking the presence of Archangel Selaphiel. Reciting prayers or affirmations while using prayer beads can deepen your connection with his energy.
  • Sacred Texts: Reading sacred texts or prayers associated with Archangel Selaphiel can help to deepen your understanding of his role and qualities, fostering a stronger connection with his energy and guidance.
  • Altar: Creating a dedicated altar space for Archangel Selaphiel can serve as a focal point for your spiritual practice and help to strengthen your connection with his energy. Decorating your altar with symbols, candles, crystals, and other spiritual icons can enhance the sacredness of the space.