More Than Charms Unicorns Actively connect to unicorns through our various gifts for personal growth. What will you discover when you connect with a unicorn?


In the gentle dance of moonlit dreams, unicorns emerge with whispers of magic, their ethereal presence weaving tales of innocence, hope, and the enchanting realm where reality and fantasy embrace.

Unicorns are mythical creatures that have captivated the human imagination for centuries. Often depicted as horse-like beings with a single, spiraled horn on their foreheads, unicorns are symbols of purity, grace, and magic. These legendary creatures appear in various mythologies and folklore around the world, representing the extraordinary and the untamed.


Unicorns are often associated with enchantment and the belief in a realm where fantasy and reality intertwine. While unicorns may be mythical, their symbolism continues to inspire a sense of wonder and whimsy in popular culture, making them timeless and cherished symbols of imagination and innocence.

Affirmation: "I embrace the magic and purity of the unicorn within me."

Astrology: Unicorns are not typically associated with traditional astrology, but their energy resonates with the qualities of purity, innocence, and spiritual connection found in signs like Pisces and Virgo.

Color: Unicorns are often depicted in white, symbolizing purity, innocence, and divine light. However, they can also appear in various other colors, each representing different qualities and attributes.

Chakra: Unicorns are associated with the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), representing spiritual connection, enlightenment, and divine wisdom. They also influence the Heart Chakra (Anahata) for love, compassion, and harmony.

Life Purpose: Unicorns inspire individuals to embody qualities of purity, grace, and spiritual enlightenment. They encourage inner healing, self-discovery, and the pursuit of one's true essence and purpose.

Symbol: Unicorns symbolize purity, innocence, magic, and divine grace. They are often seen as symbols of protection, transformation, and the fulfillment of wishes and dreams.

Totem / Spirit Animal: Unicorns serve as mystical totems and spirit animals, offering guidance, protection, and inspiration. They represent the embodiment of divine love and light, guiding individuals on their spiritual journey towards higher consciousness and enlightenment.

Tips For Connecting

Connecting on a spiritual level can be a profound and intimate experience, enriching our lives in countless ways. By incorporating various tools and practices into our routines, such as health and wellbeing, crystals, essential oils, and sacred symbols, we can deepen our meditation, foster a stronger connection and invite greater spiritual presence into our lives. Here are some tips to help you enhance your spiritual connection:

  • Set Clear Intentions: Begin by clearly defining your purpose for connecting spiritually, whether it's for guidance, healing, or growth.
  • Create a Sacred Space: Designate a clean, harmonious environment where you can engage in your spiritual practice free from distractions.
  • Connect with Nature: Spend regular time outdoors to engage your senses fully.
  • Call Upon a Guide: Invite the energy of the guide, higher beings, or your chosen deity into your space through prayer, meditation, or visualization.
  • Use Sacred Words or Prayers: Incorporate meaningful words, incantations, mantras, or prayers that resonate with your spiritual beliefs to set the tone for your practice.
  • Cultivate Gratitude: Foster an attitude of gratitude to attract to attract positive energies and blessings.
  • Visualize Guidance: Envision your spiritual guide or higher self providing support and clarity in alignment with your intentions.
  • Open Your Heart: Cultivate feelings of love, compassion, empathy, harmony and forgiveness. Create a receptive space in your heart for spiritual insights and healing.
  • Seek Signs and Messages: Request clear signs or messages and remain open to receiving clear signs, symbols, or messages from as confirmation of your connection.
  • Trust and Surrender: Trust in the process and surrender any doubts or fears, knowing that your intentions are being heard and supported.
  • Nurture the Connection: Establish a regular spiritual practice to nurture and strengthen your connection over time, allowing for deeper insights and transformative experiences.

Remember that your spiritual journey is deeply personal and unique to you. Feel free to adapt these tips to align with your beliefs and preferences, embracing authenticity and sincerity in your pursuit of spiritual connection. Ultimately, approach your practice with an open heart, genuine curiosity, and a willingness to cultivate a deeper relationship with the divine.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Eat Right: Fuel your body with balanced meals rich in whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Supliment with Plant Derived minerals, vitamins and superfoods.
  • Sleep Well: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to recharge your body and mind.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support hydration and overall health.
  • Move Often: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine to boost mood and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Take time for meditation or deep breathing to reduce stress and increase self-awareness.
  • Build Connections: Foster meaningful relationships with friends and family to enhance social support.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation to maintain emotional well-being.


  • Clear Quartz: Known as a versatile and powerful crystal, clear quartz is believed to amplify energy and intention. It can be used to enhance a sense of clarity and purity associated with unicorns.
  • Moonstone: Moonstone is often associated with the moon and feminine energy. It is believed to enhance intuition and connection with the mystical, aligning with the ethereal nature often attributed to unicorns.
  • Amethyst: Amethyst is a crystal associated with spiritual growth and protection. It may contribute to creating a serene and magical atmosphere when connecting with the mythical energy of unicorns.
  • Rose Quartz: Rose quartz is known as the stone of love and compassion. It can add a gentle and loving vibration to your space, aligning with the innocence and purity often associated with unicorns.
  • Angel Aura Quartz: This crystal is quartz infused with metals to create a beautiful iridescence. It is believed to enhance connection with the angelic and ethereal realms, providing a mystical touch to your crystal arrangements.
  • Selenite: Selenite is associated with purity and clarity. It is believed to have a high vibrational frequency that can create a serene atmosphere, perfect for connecting with the enchanting energy of unicorns.
  • Celestite: Celestite is named for its celestial blue color and is associated with angelic and divine energies. It may contribute to a sense of magic and otherworldliness when used in your crystal arrangements.

Essential Oils

If you're interested in using essential oils to create a whimsical and enchanting atmosphere that aligns with the mythical energy of unicorns, you might consider blends with light, floral, and magical notes. Here's a suggested blend:

Unicorn Whispers Blend:

  • 3 drops Lavender: Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender can evoke a sense of tranquility and purity.
  • 2 drops Chamomile (Roman): With its gentle and sweet aroma, chamomile can add a touch of whimsy to the blend.
  • 2 drops Geranium: This floral scent may create an atmosphere of grace and elegance.
  • 1 drop Clary Sage: Known for its dreamy and uplifting qualities, clary sage can add a touch of magic to the blend.

Plants, Flowers and Essences

While connecting with unicorns is a fantastical and imaginative concept, if you're interested in creating a symbolic and enchanting atmosphere associated with the mythical energy of unicorns, consider incorporating flowers that evoke a sense of magic, purity, and whimsy. Here are some flower suggestions:

  • White Roses: White roses symbolize purity and innocence, making them a fitting choice to create an atmosphere associated with the gentle and magical qualities often attributed to unicorns.
  • Lilacs: Lilacs are known for their sweet fragrance and delicate appearance. They can contribute to a dreamy and enchanting ambiance, aligning with the mystical nature of unicorn lore.
  • Lavender: Lavender not only carries a soothing and calming scent but also has associations with magic and mysticism. It can add a touch of whimsy to your floral arrangements.
  • Baby's Breath: Delicate and airy, baby's breath can add a sense of lightness and purity to your floral displays, complementing the mythical qualities of unicorns.
  • Daisies: Daisies symbolize innocence and simplicity. They can contribute to a youthful and carefree atmosphere, aligning with the childlike wonder often associated with unicorns.
  • Bluebells: Bluebells are associated with enchantment and magical folklore. Their bell-shaped flowers can add a touch of fairy-tale magic to your floral arrangements.
  • Butterfly Bush (Buddleia): Butterfly bush attracts butterflies and is symbolic of transformation and metamorphosis. It can bring a sense of magical transformation to your floral displays.
  • Orchids: Orchids are elegant and exotic flowers that can add a touch of sophistication to your unicorn-inspired arrangements, enhancing the enchanting atmosphere.

Spiritual Icons

  • Unicorn Statues or Figurines: Adorn your space with statues or figurines depicting unicorns. Choose pieces that capture the grace and mystical essence often attributed to these mythical beings.
  • Unicorn Horn Talismans: Consider talismans or pendants shaped like unicorn horns. These can serve as symbolic representations of the magic and purity associated with unicorns.
  • Rainbows and Stars: Incorporate symbols of rainbows and stars into your decor. These elements are often associated with the enchanting and otherworldly qualities of unicorns.
  • Moon Symbols: Include symbols of the moon in your spiritual space. The moon is often associated with magic and mystery and can complement the mythical nature of unicorns.
  • Fairytale Books: Place books or illustrations featuring unicorn stories in your sacred space. These can serve as gateways to the imaginative realm where unicorns dwell.
  • Feathers and Shells: Incorporate feathers and seashells into your decor. These elements can evoke a sense of ethereal beauty and connection to the magical world of unicorns.
  • Fairy Lights: Create a magical ambiance with fairy lights. String lights with soft, twinkling lights can contribute to the enchantment of your space.