More Than Charms Divine Touch The Angels are here to guide and empower you on your journey. They can assist you in bringing awareness into your life and co-creating the life of your dreams. You can also let Earth Angels know that you are grateful for thei

Divine Touch




The Angels are here to guide and empower you on your journey. They can assist you in bringing awareness into your life and co-creating the life of your dreams. You can also let Earth Angels know that you are grateful for their gifts to the World.

Connecting With Guardian Angels

Connecting with Guardian Angels can be a deeply personal and spiritual experience. Utilizing crystals, essential oils, flowers, and spiritual icons can contribute to enriching spiritual experiences, deepening meditation, and fostering a stronger connection. Consider the following tips to enhance your connection:

Set Clear Intentions: Clearly define your purpose for connecting.

Create a Sacred Space: Designate a clean, positive space for your spiritual practice.

Invoke Divine Presence: Call upon Guardian Angels through prayer or meditation.

Use Sacred Words or Prayers:  Incorporate meaningful words or prayers into your practice.

Express Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude to attract positive energies.

Visualize: Imagine Ariel providing your intention.

Open Your Heart: Cultivate love, compassion, and forgiveness in your heart.

Ask for Signs: Request clear signs or messages.

Trust and Surrender: Trust that your intentions are heard and surrender doubts.

Maintain a Connection: Establish a regular practice to strengthen your spiritual bond.

Remember that everyone's spiritual journey is unique, so feel free to adapt these tips to suit your personal preferences and beliefs. The most important aspect is to approach the connection with sincerity, openness, and a genuine desire to connect with Guardian Angels.